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Metal: Silver

Price guide:
# Name Images Amount € Weight Denomination Year Quality Circulation Rating RR
106 Year of the Tiger 88 1 oz 1 Dollar 2010 BU 56.077 63
107 Year of the Rabbit 42 1 oz 1 Dollar 2011 BU 300.000 51
108 Year of the Dragon 42 1 oz 1 Dollar 2012 BU 300.000 51
109 Year of the Snake 44 1 oz 1 Dollar 2013 BU 300.000 52
110 Year of the Horse 59 1 oz 1 Dollar 2014 BU 300.000 55
111 Year of the Goat 44 1 oz 1 Dollar 2015 BU 300.000 50
112 Year of the Monkey 38 1 oz 1 Dollar 2016 BU 300.000 49
113 Year of the Rooster 41 1 oz 1 Dollar 2017 BU 300.000 49
114 Year of the Dog 39 1 oz 1 Dollar 2018 BU 300.000 48
115 Year of the Pig 40 1 oz 1 Dollar 2019 BU 300.000 48
116 Year of the Mouse 40 1 oz 1 Dollar 2020 BU 300.000 54
117 Year of the Ox 41 1 oz 1 Dollar 2021 BU 300.000 54
118 Year of the Tiger 41 1 oz 1 Dollar 2022 BU 300.000 53
119 Year of the Rabbit 44 1 oz 1 Dollar 2023 BU 300.000 53
120 Year of the Dragon 35 1 oz 1 Dollar 2024 BU 300.000 43
121 Year of the Rat 40 1 oz 1 Dollar 2020 BU 50.000 55
122 Year of the Ox 39 1 oz 1 Dollar 2021 BU 50.000 54
123 Year of the Tiger 41 1 oz 1 Dollar 2022 BU 50.000 57
124 Year of the Rabbit 38 1 oz 1 Dollar 2023 BU unknow 53
125 Year of the Dragon 41 1 oz 1 Dollar 2024 BU 50.000 53
126 Year of the Mouse - colored 78 1 oz 1 Dollar 2020 BU Colored 7.500 63
127 Year of the Ox - colored 65 1 oz 1 Dollar 2021 Proof Colored 6.000 62
128 Year of the Tiger - colored 53 1 oz 1 Dollar 2022 BU Colored 50.000 57
129 Year of the Rabbit - colored 50 1 oz 1 Dollar 2023 BU Colored 50.000 56
130 Year of the Dragon - colored 36 1 oz 1 Dollar 2024 BU Colored 200.000 44
131 The Somali Elephant 44 1 oz 100 Shillings 2017 BU unknow 55
132 The Somali Elephant 43 1 oz 100 Shillings 2016 BU unknow 57
133 The Somali Elephant 41 1 oz 100 Shillings 2015 Proof Like 338.250 58
134 The Somali Elephant 45 1 oz 100 Shillings 2014 BU 226.206 59
135 The Somali Elephant 51 1 oz 100 Shillings 2013 BU unknow 60
136 The Somali Elephant 56 1 oz 100 Shillings 2012 BU 80.000 62
137 The Somali Elephant 62 1 oz 100 Shillings 2011 BU unknow 63
138 The Somali Elephant 69 1 oz 100 Shillings 2010 BU unknow 64
139 The Somali Elephant 68 1 oz 100 Shillings 2009 BU 130.000 65
140 The Somali Elephant 111 1 oz 100 Shillings 2008 BU 35.000 65
141 The Somali Elephant 178 1 oz 100 Shillings 2007 BU 33.000 69
142 The Somali Elephant 173 1 oz 1000 Shillings 2006 BU 33.000 70
143 The Somali Elephant 188 1 oz 1000 Shillings 2005 BU 25.000 72
144 The Somali Elephant 193 1 oz 1000 Shillings 2004 BU 5.000 79
145 The Somali Elephant - colored "Day" 47 1 oz 100 Shillings 2024 BU Colored 5.500 59
146 The Somali Elephant - colored "Night" 68 1 oz 100 Shillings 2024 BU Colored 500 74
147 The Somali Elephant - colored "Black" 65 1 oz 100 Shillings 2024 BU Colored 500 73
148 The Somali Elephant - colored "White" 65 1 oz 100 Shillings 2024 BU Colored 500 73
149 The Somali Elephant - colored "Christmas theme" 63 1 oz 100 Shillings 2024 BU Colored 500 77
150 The Somali Elephant - gilded 44 1 oz 100 Shillings 2024 BU Gilded 3.000 59
151 The Somali Elephant - gilded 48 1 oz 100 Shillings 2023 BU Gilded 3.000 61
152 The Somali Elephant - gilded 63 1 oz 100 Shillings 2022 BU Gilded 5.000 63
153 The Somali Elephant - gilded 61 1 oz 100 Shillings 2021 BU Gilded 3.000 62
154 The Somali Elephant - gilded 66 1 oz 100 Shillings 2020 BU Gilded 5.000 64
155 The Somali Elephant - gilded 72 1 oz 100 Shillings 2019 BU Gilded 5.000 65

Showing 101 to 150 of 186 results